Total matches: 45
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Dress-ups... more>>>No rating yet
Duck Duck GooseKids sit around in a circle.  One person walks around the outside of the circle and gently t... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
FishingGet a rod, some bait, and head to a nearby lake, river or the ocean and go fishing!
... more>>>
4 shiney stars
Fly a kite... more>>>4 shiney stars
Fun with BalloonsIt's amazing how long kids can be entertained with balloons.   Blow one up an... more>>>4 shiney stars
Hide and SeekOne person counts to ten whilst the rest hide around the house (or the back yard).  When the... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
IceEspecially on hot days, ice melting on warm footpaths... more>>>4 shiney stars
Ice skatingGo Ice skating!
... more>>>
3.5 shiney stars
Indoor fishingFor this you'll need:string
dowel (or a stick)
paper (or... more>>>
3.5 shiney stars
Kick a BallGrab a soccer or football, head outside and play kick to kick
... more>>>
3.5 shiney stars

Total matches: 45
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