Total matches: 45
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Title  Detail  Hits  Rating  
Write a letterWrite a letter (or draw a picture) and post to grandparents/uncle/auntie/friend.  Let the kid(s... more>>>4 shiney stars
KnittingTeach your child how to knit
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3.5 shiney stars
DancingPut on some music and dance around! :)
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4 shiney stars
BoardgamesIf you don't already, build up a collection of board games, like Monopoly, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
PuzzlesHave some puzzles stored away in the cupboard and bring them out occasionally - they are great for d... more>>>4 shiney stars
Kick a BallGrab a soccer or football, head outside and play kick to kick
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3.5 shiney stars
Walk in the forestGo for a walk in the forest (or around the neighbourhood) - make it fun for the kids by looking for... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
Bike rideGo for a ride on bikes
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3.5 shiney stars
BowlingGo bowling at your local bowling alley. 
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3.5 shiney stars
Ice skatingGo Ice skating!
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3.5 shiney stars

Total matches: 45
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